Learning to dive is a life-changing experience for many people.

The Ocean Diver course is for beginners and provides essential knowledge and skills to prepare you for open water diving in Britain and overseas. You will learn: -
- How to safely use basic dive gear, including your mask and snorkel
- Control your buoyancy and underwater movements
- Understand your basic scuba diving safety skills – you’ll find out the importance of time, depth and gas
- Discover how to plan and manage your diving
The BSAC Ocean Diver starts in the safety of a swimming pool or sheltered water and progresses to the open water in a controlled, safe manner. You will gain experience and confidence under the guidance of a qualified instructor. The course operates at a maximum depth of 20m.
If you would like to speak to our Training Officer about starting this course, please speak with them at the clubhouse of a club night or send them an email:
Introduction to the Ocean Diver Course (this page)
- Prerequisites
- What You'll Learn
- Qualification: What That Means
- Learning Materials for e-learning element
- Required Gear
- Recommended Gear
- Welfare & Safeguarding
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